Caravans Uk

They have: 29 posts

Joined: Feb 2004


I have just made the website

can you please take a look at it and let me know of any improvements/ alterations that i can make

thanks in advance,


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Joined: Jun 2004

You need a layout and colors. More attention to the layout and the text format.

They have: 29 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

thanks for the reply thepremier,

could you please illaberate on that please, what do you mean by layout and colours

He has: 1,758 posts

Joined: Jul 2002

Basically the website is dull... make a bit more of the logo, it's hardly even readable, put some padding around the text to move it away from the edges. At the moment your website is like an empty room you need to add some furniture (buttons, boxes, pictures etc).


They have: 29 posts

Joined: Feb 2004

thanks for the reply, i was thinking that something needed to be added to the right of the logo, i will make it bigger. I shall look for photos and stuff any more advice

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Megan's picture

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smegazlufc, you are aware that our posting agreement asks users to review three other sites before posting a thread for review. Looks like this is not the first time you've failed to comply with our agreement.

You have posted four review requests here and reviewed 2 other sites back in September. Thread locked until user complies with agreement.

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