Bluehost review website "". Need your review

He has: 35 posts

Joined: May 2006 is my new blog, and already spend few days working on it. I know bluehost for years. As its a reliable host, and now I setup this website to give a better and cleared inside review of

OK, I need help here. If you notice, my bluehost review .org is having pop up issue, when i click on link to open up a new windows, the IE with google toolbar will blocked it. How can i remove this pop up problem?

Charles Gan
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Hoosier_Buddy's picture

He has: 4 posts

Joined: Mar 2007

Nice Design and Layout. You have 8 browser errors on you home page which can be viewed here:

|-- W3C Markup Validation Service --|

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Mar 2007

I like the design and the content, it's good.

However as posted above, there are some errors.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

This is a very nice looking site. Did you design it yourself or is that a template? The logo text is a give-away for templates. If the design is nice but the logo is plain and boring you can tell it's a template.

So the site looks nice, but things start to fall apart when I actually start reading thigns. The writing here needs a lot of work. It's obvious to me that English is not your first language. However, writing on a blog is a good way to improve your English. So keep at it and eventually you'll be able to write well in English. In the meantime, it may be difficult to get repeat traffic to your blog.

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