1:1 Banner/ExitPop/Text/SwimBanner Exchange, Opinions?

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Joined: Aug 2001

I invite everyone to give some feedback on our website.
Please don't write it off as another Banner Exchange without taking a serious look at it and how it solves all the problems associated with normal banner exchanges. ie low click-thru's
Also note that the ExitPop, Text, and SwimBanner Exchange are not online yet but will be shortly

I am looking for some constructive criticism please.

Andrew Drake

Megan's picture

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Joined: Jun 1999

My first thought is that this is way too text heavy. I just don't feel like reading this. Try to shorten up the text on the front page and provide more details on another page. Also switch your body font to a sans-serif like verdana. Sans-serif is much easier to read on a screen, while serif is easier to read on paper. ALso avoid centering paragraphs of text.

On the FAQ page, lose the "click here" links and just link the subheaders instead.

The overal look and feel needs a lot of work as well. Get a better logo first of all. I would also try to make better use of your colour scheme on the navbar. Make the background of the buttons that pale yellow colour probably with blue text and then try switching the colours on mouseover. NOt sure if that would work but you definitely need to get rid of the black and the down states with drop shadow don't work with the up state (no drop shadow).

The Webmistress's picture

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Joined: Feb 2001

Firstly welcome to TWF Smiling

Definietly get yourself a logo. make it standout as this will give the site an identity.

The links as they are now really don't do anything for the site. I'd have them in a complete strip of colour and change the text colour on mouseover. I don't like background boxes changing colour (personal thing though)

If you have to have that amount of text it really needs to be easy to read.

Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....

Busy's picture

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The index page doesnt look like a index page, looks and reads more like a FAQ page, first thing id do is reverse the mouseovers.

I think with your contents a side navigation set up might be better suited, make it read like a newspaper, (small column on the left and large on the right).

I notice you use the word "Unlimited" a lot, isnt this stretching the truth some? you are limited to the people who see it, you are limited to the ones that want to click or even see them (I for one avoid banners as they are such a pain in the butt), I know your just following everyone else with the catch words but am just querying if "unlimited" is legally accepted.

I'd also agree with the removel of the "click here", just make the key words links, example, you have "Click here to take the guided tour." with the whole thing as a link, instead you could just use "guided tour" part as the link.
Say you had a sentence where you wanted the viewer to see some pictures of your cat and dog, you wouldnt use, click here to see my cat pictures, click here to see my dog pictures, you'd use something like, my cats and dogs have their own pages (with the "cat" and "dog" as links) sorta thing.

you just need to make the index (main) page more inviting, its like a book or face valve, its sad that they do, but people judge many things by first impressions, make your index so people WANT to look at more.
You didnt interest me in that page so off I'd go, but dont use keywords that people have grown to hate, like "free money" "your own business" ... dont use any keywords used in spams or people will relate that directly to your site.

good luck

They have: 23 posts

Joined: Aug 2001

Thanks for the good input. I will take your advice and start doing a bit of redesigning. Here is what I'll do

1. Change the font to Veranda, easier to read
2. Get a logo designed
3. Get rid of all "click here" links
4. Cut down the text on the index page
5. Change the colours for the Nav Bar and also have a think about a side bar although I do prefer the top nav bar

What does everyone think about the Top Nav Bar Against the Side Bar

Andrew Drake

TheGizmoid's picture

They have: 168 posts

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Your page took one minute and forty-five seconds to load on my 33.6. Yes, this includes the pop-behind you're forcing on your visitors, but that's how long your page hangs me up.

>>If you could add a very small amount of HTML code to your site which Automatically generated unlimited, unique advertising exposure, targeted traffic and residual income! Would you do it?<<

This should be one sentence.

"inovative" - misspelled word

"your advertising reaches and unprecedented larger audience" - should be "an" not "and"

"This works like an exponential..." exponential is an adjective, not a noun.

"your banner can only be seen once by a unique person. This dramatically increases your click-thru's" - there is no apostrophe in a plural. Is there any evidence to support your statement? I've always heard that it takes numerous views to finally get someone to click. Not, "Wow, I've never seen that one before, I just have to click it."

I've barely started reading and already I'm majorly turned off.

They have: 23 posts

Joined: Aug 2001

The fact that the site took 1 min 45 secs to load is not my site. Its that worm virus going around on the net at the moment. Its affecting most sites as it creates traffic.

The page should be quite fast loading as there are very few images and only small ones at that.

Thanks for pointing out those grammar errors. I'll fix those.

The smartshow feature only shows a banner to a person once every 24 hours. Hence the definition of "unique" visitor. This means that a banner is see by more people.

Do you think I should not have this? I can change this to a click feature instead where a person will not see a banner that he/she has already clicked on. Would that be better?

Andrew Drake

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