301 Permanently Moved

He has: 688 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

I set up a 301 redirdect and it works, but it seems to only work for the root domain and not for other files (or non-files) other than the home page.

Redirect 301 / http://www.new-site.com/

I used this code for a client and going to the home page properly redirects to the new website. But going to any other address within the old domain fails. Like if you go to old-site.com it will redirect, but if you go to oldsite.com/madeupURL it WILL redirect you but it will go to new-site.com/madeupURL instead of just new-site.com. According to this page this redirect should work for the entire website. It kind of does but how do you make any page in the old site redirect ONLY to the homepage of the new site?

Please help

He has: 688 posts

Joined: Feb 2001


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