YouTube upload in Drupal Video module woes

decibel.places's picture

He has: 1,494 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

I have

1. checked the module version,
2. tried the video_youtube.module patch,
3. checked my Google/YouTube Developer Key and Client Id,
4. added "allow_url_include = On" to php.ini....
5. I have installed the Embed Filter and Video Filter modules

still getting:

The Youtube Video URL validation has failed for some reason. Please check the URL and try again.
If the error persists please contact My Sports Videos administrators.
The Youtube validation service reported the following error: Unknown method specified.

and Youtube Video URL: * is highlighted in red

using video-5.x-1.x-dev

; $Id:,v 1.2 2006/11/11 03:58:40 fax8 Exp $
name = Video
description = Allows video nodes.
package = "Video"

; Information added by packaging script on 2008-04-09
version = "5.x-1.x-dev"
project = "video"
datestamp = "1207700333"

JeevesBond's picture

He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

Are you still having trouble with this?

If so, do you actually need both Embed Filter and Video Filter installed? They both seem to do the same thing.

a Padded Cell our articles site!

decibel.places's picture

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Joined: Jun 2008

I read a post on d.o. which claimed Embed Filter and Video Filter helped resolve a similar problem.

I don't think they are actually doing anything. The video module integrates with ffmpeg for transcoding and thumbnailing.

The problem seems to be with validating the Developer Key and/or the YouTube url within the video module.

I posted on d.o. and also on the LinkedIn Drupal Users group discussion board (there are several Drupal groups there, and now groups have their own basic forum-like discussion boards)

I also contacted a couple of people who are Drupal experts but they don't have experience with this.

Before I dive into the code (which is quite complex with a lot of features) I am hoping for a quick fix. You know sometimes using a particular version of a file or the correct patch can work wonders.

The YouTube interface is not crucial, most videos are being uploaded directly which works fine, but I think YouTube integration will eventually be a big boon to the site.

The site, btw, is for sports videos, currently mostly by NCAA refs for discussion and voting (using the pollfield) on specific plays. The user base will be refs/officials, coaches, players, and fans. Currently basketball is the focus, but the taxonomy categories include various types of plays for football, baseball and hockey too. Still in dev.

JeevesBond's picture

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Joined: Jun 2002

Is the 'Youtube validation service' something to do with authentication? It's a little ambiguous, although it seems to me that the module is trying to call a method that doesn't exist. Most likely is that Youtube have updated their API, but the module hasn't been updated, what makes me question that is why aren't more people complaining?

a Padded Cell our articles site!

decibel.places's picture

He has: 1,494 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

JeevesBond wrote:
what makes me question that is why aren't more people complaining?

The Video module supports 4 types of uploads:

1. Direct upload from your machine
2. Upload from a URL (but not YouTube or Google video)
3. YouTube
4. Google Video

I presume that people may be using other modules (Flashvideo) or direct object embed methods for YouTube. In my case, we want the video nodes unified and searchable under one system, handled well by the Video module.

99% of the content will be direct upload of clips from user recorded video from sporting events, so YouTube is not critical, but when an event occurs like the Ref who tackled the Gamecocks football player, it would be great to be able to include it easily.

My next step: see if it is validation failing within the Video module, if there is any way to disable it or bypass it. Kind of a back-burner issue, for now, though.

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