PHP SQL Edit Form

johneva's picture

They have: 15 posts

Joined: Jan 2008


could someone take a look over this for me and see where I have gone wrong I carnt spot what I have done wrong I am new at this an its driving me mad now.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

<link href="cp_css/loginmodule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
   <h1>Edit Form</h1>
   <p><a href="http://localhost/dual_control_cars/control_panel">Control Panel</a></p>

//connect to mysql
//change user and password to your mySQL name and password
mysql_connect("localhost", "johnmev_user1", "Pass1");
//select which database you want to edit

//If cmd has not been initialized
//display all the cars
$result = mysql_query("select * from data order by id");
//run the while loop that grabs all the cars
//grab the model and the ID
$make=$r["make"];//take out the model    
$model=$r["model"];//take out the model
$id=$r["id"];//take out the id
     //show the make and model a link in a list
echo "<li>";
"<a href='edit.php?cmd=edit&id=$id'>Edit - $make $model</a>";


if($_GET["cmd"]=="edit" || $_POST["cmd"]=="edit")
   if (!isset(
$id = $_GET["id"];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE id=$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql);       
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);

      <form action="edit.php" method="post">
      <input type=hidden name="id" value="<?php echo $myrow["id"] ?>">
      Make:<input type="text" name="make" value="<?php echo $myrow["make"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      Model:<input type="text" name="model" value="<?php echo $myrow["model"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      Spec:<input type="text" NAME="spec" value="<?php echo $myrow["spec"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      7 Month Rental:<input type="text" NAME="seven" value="<?php echo $myrow["seven"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      12 Month Rental:<input type="text" NAME="twelve" value="<?php echo $myrow["twelve"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      18 Month Rental:<input type="text" NAME="eighteen" value="<?php echo $myrow["eighteen"] ?>" size=30 /><br />
      <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit" />
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />

     <?php }
   if (
$make = $_POST["make"];
$model = $_POST["model"];
$spec = $_POST["spec"];
$seven = $_POST["seven"];
$twelve = $_POST["twelve"];
$eighteen = $_POST["eighteen"];

$sql = "UPDATE data SET make='$make',model='$model',spec='$spec',seven='$seven',twelve='$twelve',eighteen='$eighteen' WHERE id=$id";

$result = mysql_query($sql);
"Thank you! Information updated.";


pr0gr4mm3r's picture

He has: 1,502 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

So...what's the problem?

He has: 131 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

I think I see a minor problem in your inline php

Make:<input type="text" name="make" value="<?php echo $myrow["make"] ?>" size=30 /><br />

you need a semi colon after the echo $myrow["make"]
Make:<input type="text" name="make" value="<?php echo $myrow["make"]; ?>" size=30 /><br />

Hope that helps

He has: 53 posts

Joined: Jun 2010

Hi Johneva,
I corrcet your code, You Just try with them,

Edit Form
Control Panel

    if(isset($_POST['cmd']) == "edit")
    //connect to mysql
    //change user and password to your mySQL name and password
    $connection=mysql_connect("localhost", "johnmev_user1", "Pass1");
    //select which database you want to edit

    //If cmd has not been initialized

       //display all the cars
    $result = mysql_query("select * from data order by id",$connection);
    //run the while loop that grabs all the cars
    //grab the model and the ID
    $make=$r["make"];//take out the model   
    $model=$r["model"];//take out the model
    $id=$r["id"];//take out the id
         //show the make and model a link in a list
    echo "<li>";
    "<a href='edit.php?cmd=edit&id=$id'>Edit - $make $model</a>";

if(isset($_POST['cmd']) == "edit")
$id = $_GET["id"];
$sql = " SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = '$id' ";
$result = mysql_query($sql);      
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);

7 Month Rental:
12 Month Rental:
18 Month Rental:

   if (
$make = $_POST["make"];
$model = $_POST["model"];
$spec = $_POST["spec"];
$seven = $_POST["seven"];
$twelve = $_POST["twelve"];
$eighteen = $_POST["eighteen"];

$sql = ("UPDATE data SET                        
                              WHERE id='
$id' ", $connection );

$result = mysql_query($sql);
"Thank you! Information updated.";

and still you face problem then, you mention here. & I'll try to solve them, now Enjoy with that code. ):

Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

One important note that is before this were to go into production (intended for public use), you need to validate/cleanse the data coming into $_POST.

(think what would happen if I entered the following for MAKE:

hello'; drop table data;

Now when it submits, the code as is will delete your entire table.


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