how can I increase the security of my website from unauthorized data access.

stokes1900's picture

They have: 55 posts

Joined: Oct 2010

I have create a website recently but I am worried about its security from unauthorized data access on the network .how can I enhance security of my website.

sanseo's picture

They have: 18 posts

Joined: Oct 2010

You can use .htaccess file to secure website and folder on web.
via this you can also block Ip address , make private folder and redirect file else where.

stokes1900's picture

They have: 55 posts

Joined: Oct 2010

thanks for suggesting.great information.but can any anyone tell me how can I prevent from hacking attacks on can I make secure login system.

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Jan 2012

You can try the following:

1. Create a secured zone in your site using https
2. Modify .htaccess
3. Modify file permissions of the site directly in Unix

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