Web Site for Sale

They have: 12 posts

Joined: Jan 2002

Your name: Tim Schroeder

URL of the site: http://www.playstation-2-cheat-codes.com

Age of site: 3 months

Traffic statistics: LIsted in the Yahoo Directory. Open Directory, Looksmart, and Google. About 1500 to 2000+ uniques a day. The site has had 70,893 unique visitors in 57 days. Stats are here: http://extremetracking.com/open?login=fwttim

Asking price: Make offer. I have already been offered $500 just for the domain name.

Your Email address: [email protected]

Gross and net revenue per month: I have been trying amazon, and have sent them many clicks, but no sales. I make a little from Leadcrunch. I think this site needs to have a few changes in order to increase revenue potential. Ex. I have no ads on any other pages other than the home page.

Any other pertinent data: Any questions? I am selling because I want to focus on other sites....

Thank You.

PS>I just wanted to add that the stats might be even much higher because I only have extreme tracking on the homepage (I'm not sure if that matters) and a lot of traffic comes through ind. pages.