.us extension

taff's picture

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Do you think this new extension will catch on? I've been toying with the idea of grabbing one but am undecided as to whether it would be worth it.

The Webmistress's picture

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I suppose it will make a clearer distinction against .com which can be anywhere???

mjames's picture

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The best thing it has going for it is the increase in American patriotism - but hey, being Canadian, taff, why do you need one? Sticking out tongue

Nothing will ever be as big as .com, but it doesn't hurt to have this.

Suzanne's picture

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Well I don't see how it's much different from the other country codes. Good for US only businesses, I think. Maybe?

taff's picture

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Quote: Originally posted by mjames
The best thing it has going for it is the increase in American patriotism - but hey, being Canadian, taff, why do you need one?

You outnumber us 10-1. Who can ignore a client base like that? The exchange rate doesn't hurt either Smiling


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I think it will be popular and initially will be used for very relevant content by us based businesses. One thing is for sure - it opens up a lot of new useful names (only need to worry about trademarks, etc.,).

I don't think it will be pronounced by more people as "us" (a word) but rather as "dotyouess" - may be I am wrong.

Mark Hensler's picture

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