phpMyAdmin Not Working

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Joined: Dec 2009

I'm use free hosting at , support: MySQL & PHP, FTP account, File Manager, FREE Script Installer, cPanel Vista
I'm trying to backup my MySQL database.
I've tried logging into phpMyAdmin from the cPanel but it doesn't seem to work.
However, when I access my website normally, the content of the database is displayed correctly.
I do not know how to backup my DB without phpMyAdmin.
Is there a way to do it? Or is there a way to just fix phpMyAdmin?

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Joined: Dec 2008

Do you have shell (ssh) access?
mysqldump --opt --all -u -p > backup.sql

I can't speak for the transactional safety of the MySQL backup utility. (Read: you may want to ensure there are no writes going on while you're backing up.)


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Joined: Dec 2009

I think there is some problem in the Apache server..

Please check that is it working properly or not?
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