domian pick-goin along for the ride?

They have: 31 posts

Joined: Mar 2003

I was looking for a possible domain name for a template selling business. I considered many but finally settled on name is Catherine so I can work with it)

According to some website software, appraisal score was310(400-1000 being premium) which was the best apprasial I could get all day.I didn't know WHY it appraised so high as everything else appraised 0-71. But I am a newbe so i snagged it anyway hoping it could help me somehow.

Later I did a search on the web and discovered why ctemplates rated so high. It turns out..and you guys probably knew this already, yes, that ctemplates is the name of some backendsever thing and is therefore probably behind every high end website somewhere. Also the topic of ctemplates comes up occasionally in forums among programers.

So the keyword is out there, but am I correct, will this help me? Will this help me acheive higher page rankings? Or should I have just gone with one of the lower ranking domain names that I liked better.