what is difference between 3D and 2D technology??

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how we can identify that either the image is 3D or 2D????

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When you are seeing a picture, if you find there is something repeated, it should be 3D, and you need to use a 3D glasses and see it clearly.
I think you had already got the difference.

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Joined: Feb 2012

Most of the web sites use 2D technology as video is not required for them.When we are using the video in the site D technology is required.It is used for movies or movie related site where cameras are used.It is used in Cameras and computer generated movies or animations..

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Well, 2D refers to objects that are constructed on two planes X and Y, height and width, row and column, etc. 2D structures are also used to reproduce 3D images on screen.

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2D and 3D refer to the actual dimensions in a computer's workspace. 2D is 'flat', using the horizontal and vertical axis', the image has only two dimensions and if turned to the side becomes a line. 3D adds the 'Z' dimension. This third dimension allows for rotation and depth.
The first 3d movie was Chota Chetan this movie earned aprox 50 crore. And the film also won President's Gold Medal

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2D image is two dimensional and 3D image is three dimensional. 2D image is flat , no depth,no rotate while 3D image is allowed to rotate and depth.

eSparkinfo is usa web design company

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TyraKing wrote:
2D image is two dimensional and 3D image is three dimensional. 2D image is flat , no depth,no rotate while 3D image is allowed to rotate and depth.

Yes i agree with yours message.

MansyGraphics's picture

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Nice Topic..

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