How do you manage your Creative Jobs?

They have: 88 posts

Joined: Apr 2011

Many of us do some job or often do freelancing. So, sometimes it becomes very hard to manage the creative jobs like design and graphics because there are numerous items related to each job.

So, what is your way to be at success?

They have: 80 posts

Joined: Sep 2011

I think do a plan, first, do the most important one, then the second, such like that.
If there is a proruption, then do it first. Of course you need a good and health body, so that you can got them done.

They have: 31 posts

Joined: Feb 2012

Just don't overdo things. Take one step at a time so you won't drain all your imaginative ideas.

vnguru's picture

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Jun 2011

Learn..learn..and learn. We need to update more knowledge daily. So, after all, we should have a plan for some next year. we should have short term plan, and long term plan. I think so!

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