Hidden Text (Title is in Banner Graphic, Don't Also Need Text)

FairyBlogMother's picture

They have: 20 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Hi there. Our blog template includes title text in the upper left by default. However, we prefer to use an image (the title is in the upper right of the image, as you can see).

If I include the blog title text in the general blog settings, the title also shows up as text, over the graphic. (If I don't want it to show up, I currently have to leave the blog title blank in general settings.)

I want to assign the title to the blog, but I DON'T want the title text to show up over the graphic. Is there anyway to "hide" the actual title text? Note: simply making the text the same color as the background would work if the background were a solid color; however, in this case, the background is a photo w/ variable colors and shades. Thank you for your help.

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Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

In your style sheet, add the following to the h1.title definition:

text-indent: -8872px;

(the number can be anything to get it off the screen, I just use that).


FairyBlogMother's picture

They have: 20 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

Thanks. I'll try this. I appreciate your help.

FairyBlogMother's picture

They have: 20 posts

Joined: Apr 2009

This did seem to work. Thanks for the info! Smiling

Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

Anytime! Glad to help. Nice to be able to finally give help on the CSS stuff too since taking a class on it at work. I mainly do server side programming LOL...


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