Flash 8 getURL problem

They have: 16 posts

Joined: May 2009


I am having a problem with some flash i have inserted into my website (www.davidframpton.co.uk/Videos.html). The navigation links to the right do not work in IE or Firefox. They only work in the flash testing area so I am pretty sure the actionscript and buttons are correct. Here is the code I have used for each button:

this.Home.onPress = function() {
this.Gallery.onPress = function() {
this.Videos.onPress = function() {
this.Aboutme.onPress = function() {
this.Contact.onPress = function() {

I have spent hours googling this problem and noone has any clear answers. Please help.


They have: 16 posts

Joined: May 2009

Ok this was my own stupidity. I was updating the wrong file. Sorry Sad

kalvisnky's picture

They have: 7 posts

Joined: May 2009

hahaha... Always double check before you load files.
anyway, glad to hear you fixed it.

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