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hey everbody,
im new to this forum and at first i would like to say hi to everyone.
I've been trying to autostretch my website but i dont have or own dreamweaver.. so is there any other way to stretch it??Confused

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Busy's picture

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Welcome to TWF mohd

Dreamweaver is just an editor, notepad is a text editor which you can edit/make html web pages with (among others). open the page in your favotite browser, right click on the page (not on a image) and choose view source, should open in notepad, make your changes, save and upload.
If your using tables put width="100%" in the table cell and it will expand in all screen sizes

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Joined: Apr 2003

Thank alot, i will try that
I think i will be here much more often

Thanks Laughing out loud

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Dosent seem to work, the layout barely changed but still dosent take up the whole screen

Suzanne's picture

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how about an url, love? that will help people see exactly what you've got going on and give you some specific suggestions.

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The Webmistress's picture

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You may have put 100% on the main table but the cells within the nested tables have fixed widths so they wont stretch! Also with your header being 778 pixels wide you are getting a horizontal scrollbar at 800*600 and that's always going to remain the same size so if the content strtched it may look odd compared to the fixed size of the header.

Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....

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Nononono! :eek:
You've been using MS Word to edit the site...Not a good idea, I really think you need to grasp some basic HTML before you take this site live.

Don't worry it's not hard, I'm sure we can get some links together to help you along the way Smiling

Cheers, Liam

a Padded Cell our articles site!

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i dont use ms word..

Suzanne's picture

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Fast acct
Fast acct


Someone does... Wink

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yeah i used frontpage and that section can easily be deleted without much trouble or damage did to the site, I just have trouble with tables i know the basic html

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That's not frontpage, lol, that's Word. It's word all over it. Smiling

But still -- if you have trouble with tables, there are many tutorials still around, you would do better to learn this aspect of HTML instead of using Word or FP.

Both of those applications produce madly bloated code which will make it harder for you to understand how the tables go together. Also, they will negatively impact the load time of the site.

If you need help, just post in the Web Page Authoring section. Smiling

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Oh yeah i do remember using Ms word once or twice now, im not sure why but i know it had something to do with tables
And im going to delete thoes messed up codes and reformat the site


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I came in late on this one - may I ask what you meant by autostretch in the beginning? I am sincerely curious...thanks!

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means getting your tables set to 100% so that people with different screen resolutions would see the tables stretch through the page

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Joined: Apr 2003

Hey folks coming into this one a little late but I don't think anyone said this, and it's apoint worth making.

In order to make your page "autostretch" make sure you are using the width="100%" tag in the last cell to the right, that way, regardless of browser res you'll get a full page.

Second, invest in Dreamweaver, or an equivalent editor, it'll be worth it in the long run.

If you're looking for a free or low cost editor, this link will take you to a few good editor to get going

Good luck!

Alessandro DeBarros
Webmaster - Hosting * Domains * Templates

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