SQL Views Question

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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Quick question on MySQL Views...

Once a view is created, is there a way to retrieve the SQL behind it at a later date in case I want to alter it?

teammatt3's picture

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Never used it myself. I use the old MySQL GUI tools, but I tested the SQL and it works.

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Well, SQL (Structured Query Language) is a way to request something from a database. It's not a programming language, but more of a requesting language.

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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That works. I know I'm going to create a view and then forget what the heck I did later on or must tweak it slightly w/o having to recall it.

Thanks Smiling

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ALTER VIEW myView (id,first_name,city)
-> AS SELECT id, upper(first_name), city FROM employee;

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I also use the old MySQL GUI tools, but I tested the SQL and it works or not.

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Of course !!

jessicaellen's picture

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Yes my dear you can alter view. Here is the query for alter a view.
ALTER VIEW myView (id,first_name,city)
-> AS SELECT id, upper(first_name), city FROM employee;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

zani's picture

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tell me friend
login join date show after login (sql query)

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Well, SQL (Structured Query Language) is a way to request something from a database. It's not a programming language, but more of a requesting language.

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thanks for the help !!

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view is the virtual table which is create by admin for the different diiferent users to access the information

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