Operators in mySQL query?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

How do I use operators in a mySQL query? I need to say something like:

WHERE year= 2 OR year=3 OR year =4


WHERE year>2 AND year<4

Or is there another way to say that?

timjpriebe's picture

He has: 2,667 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

It would work something like this...

FROM sometable
WHERE year >= 2
AND year <= 4

The = after the < or > makes it inclusive, rather than exclusive. With the second one you mentioned, it would only grab ones where year was 3. Assuming it was an integer and not a float, of course.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Okay, thanks. Sorry I left out the Select * bit - just didn't think it was relevant...

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