MYSQL / Math question...

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Joined: Jul 2002

Hey guys, please excuse my ignorance, I'm not the best mathematician on the planet and I'm a bit confused.

Say I have two fields in my products database:


I know I can get the saving by doing

SELECT `oldprice` -  `saleprice` AS saving FROM  `products`'

What I need though is the saving as a percentage (i.e. if something was reduced from £50 to £25 you'd be saving 50% wouldn't you?)

Any ideas anyone?


Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

use [="Courier New"]SELECT (1 - `saleprice` / `oldprice` ) AS savings FROM `products`[/] to get a true numeric value (.50 for 50%, .75 for 75%)

or us [="Courier New"]SELECT ((1 - `saleprice` / `oldprice` ) * 100 ) AS savings FROM `products`[/] to get just a whole number to display (75 for 75%)


He has: 1,758 posts

Joined: Jul 2002

Brilliant! thanks for the help dude!

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