More Information about SQL Database.

He has: 24 posts

Joined: Apr 2006

I will want to know more about SQL database. Total number of entries permitted to each SQL table. It is possible to transfer SQL database to one server to another server (web hosting company). It is possible to reduce size of database (deleting some of pending articles). Please good replay.

He has: 20 posts

Joined: Dec 2004

You will have to check the documentation for the version of SQL that you are using to get the max records that it will hold. I think it will be a very large number.

Using PHPAdmin or another tool, you can export a SQL database and then import it on another server and it should be pretty easy.

And you should be able to delete records from your database. The best way is via a script that has been created for your application, but you can also use PHPMYAdmin or other SQL database tool.

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