Exporting An Importing A Table

Roo's picture

She has: 840 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Okay, given the issues in the post below have been resoloved, I've still got one problem:

I have a missing table on one site (the MySQL 5 issue caused the pm_events table to not install).

I have exported the pm_events table from another site. I exported as SQL.
I have changed the database name on this file to the name of the database on the site with the missing table.

Now can I just import this table into the other site that is missing the same table? I've never done this before so I'm a bit nervous about it. I'm trying to avoid running the pMachine install again.


Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

Joined: Jul 2001

When you export an individual table as SQL from phpMyAdmin, it should not contain the database name in any command. If the database name is in the file, that line ought to be commented out (comments begin with [incode]--[/incode]), and probably is by default. You shouldn't need to edit anything.

When you import an individual table, you'll be operating from the database's index page, so phpMyAdmin already knows which database you want to import into.


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