Signature rules?

They have: 30 posts

Joined: Mar 2006

I searched for the keyword "signature", but I couldn't find the place where signature rules in this forum are stated. Where can I find signature rules in this forum? Also what are signature rules?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

They're in the rules, just scroll down a bit:

They have: 30 posts

Joined: Mar 2006

Thank you for the reference.

Quote: If you have any questions about whether your signature falls within these guidelines please contact a moderator.

Please clarify one thing. How many links am I allowed to have in my signature?

Busy's picture

He has: 6,151 posts

Joined: May 2001

There is no guideline as such to amount of links, however do try keep in the "Signatures should not be excessive in length. (about 4 lines of 65 characters)" bracket.

They have: 30 posts

Joined: Mar 2006

Busy wrote: There is no guideline as such to amount of links, however do try keep in the "Signatures should not be excessive in length. (about 4 lines of 65 characters)" bracket.

Very cool. Thanks.

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