forum php syntax

He has: 207 posts

Joined: Apr 2003

any chance of releasing
the code
for the php syntax
used on these forums
, i
would be eternally gratefull

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

I can't release code from this forum software. But what you are looking for is highlight_string().

He has: 207 posts

Joined: Apr 2003

ok, thankyou for that pointer. appreciated.

function color_source($string){
$array_contenido = explode(\"[php]\",$string);
$final = $array_contenido[0];
$i = 1;$i <= count($array_contenido);$i++){
$array_contents = explode(\"[php]\",$array_contenido[$i]);
$array_contents[0] = ob_get_contents();
$final .='
<font face=\"Courier new, Courier, Mono\" size=3>'.

I think thats what im looking for Smiling(had to leave out the closing slash for it to display here.)

Cymru am byth

He has: 207 posts

Joined: Apr 2003

the next version of phpbb will have i might as well wait as it wont be too far off. thanks for your help though.

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