
They have: 60 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

hey i was just wondering if u guys had thought about adding a Flash related section, i have alot of question regarding flash and webmaster-forums is the best place i've found so far to get all my other webmaster related questions answered. someone let me know what they think.

I shall not fear no man but god, though I walk through the valley of death...shed so many tears.

mmi's picture

They have: 457 posts

Joined: Jan 2001

hey dawg - I guess Flash Q's at TWF go in "Concept, Layout, and Graphics Design" - you might wanna check out http://were-here.com/

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

I would say that we don't really get enough questions about Flash in CL&GD to warrant a separate forum for Flash at this point. Right now we're actually talking about reducing the number of forums here, not adding more.

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