Shell Script cd

teammatt3's picture

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Joined: Sep 2003

I am trying to write a shell script that sends me to my C programming directory from anywhere on the system.

cd "$HOME/public_html/CSE121"


exit 0

When I run the script I get this

mjohn0882@cs:~/bin$ c

Instead of shooting me over to my CSE121 directory, I am right back where I started in the bin directory, when the script terminates. What's up with that?

Abhishek Reddy's picture

He has: 3,348 posts

Joined: Jul 2001

The [incode]cd[/incode] only applies "locally", that is, inside the new shell process ([incode]#!/bin/sh[/incode]). Once the process terminates, you're naturally returned right back where you initiated it.

A neat way to do this sort of thing is to set an alias in your shell. Something like:

mjohn0882@cs:~/bin$ alias c="cd $HOME/public_html/CSE121; pwd"
mjohn0882@cs:~/bin$ c

Put that alias definition in your shell's init file (.bashrc?) and you'll have it for all new sessions. Smiling

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