Page extensions - search results problems

They have: 9 posts

Joined: Sep 2014

For 3 months now I have been having issues with my page extensions. For many years I used .php and then 3 months ago switched to Apache. I made the mistake of re-naming all of my pages with the extension of .shtml and recently learned that I should have used .html so I again re-named all of my pages to .html.

All along for 3 months I have been noticing issues with search results for the website. .php and .shtml pages are showing up mainly on google search results but I am now seeing all these page extensions on search engines and it is too confusing and messed up! So I have two questions for anyone who can enlighten me on what can be done to fix this search engine problem.

1) Is it possible to create a way for all .html, .php, and .shmtl pages to be read regardless which page extension someone clicks on?

2) I am looking at the google web developing information but is there something that I can do to get google to remove the old page extensions (.php, .shtml) and read the new .html pages?

Someone previously suggested a 301 redirect to me but I learned that was not what I needed because my website address/domain/url did not change.

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Joined: Jun 1999

I don't understand why the 301 redirect won't work. You should be able to find a regular expression that will redirect all the *.php and .shtml extensions to .html. The number 301 means permanent redirect. It's a way to permanently point visitors and search engines to the new version of the page. It can work for a top-level domain, but also pages within your site.

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