need help -

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I am a webmaster of a christian single parent network. I have 2 problems. The first is, I have a banner that tells about our events. It works in ie4.0 but I get a scroll not defined error in netscape 4.0. I'm assuming this is an easy thing to fix, but I am new at this and have not been able to fix this. url is I realize the pictures don't work. This is actually not on the web except to test this banner.There is not link to this so you must type in /testrun.htm after the

The second question I have is on our index page which is there is a picture of a fireplace. I have all my links on this fireplace but nobody can see them. I would like to do a mouseover that would tell viewers what links they could go to. Something like alt which I have on there but doesn't seem to work.(each dish is a link as well as several different places on the fireplace.

Thanks to anyone that can help me.

They have: 2,390 posts

Joined: Nov 1998

Hi there,
I will first answer the second question (which should be in my graphic forum really ) What I would do is scrap the fireplace altogether, but I will assume you do not want to do that , so in this situation a mouseover seems a good idea.

I'm not sure how much help you need with the mouseover so I will start with my advice on how to go about it, if you need more help just ask.
- Expand the picture size.
- Use a program like Picture Dicer to cut the fireplace into the right amount of parts/sections needed.
- use the original picture until the mouseover and the have visible text on the next image.

An other way would be to have the original fireplace intact with another image next to it switching as the mouse passes over.
For more help just ask

Head over to: for a Netscape complient scroll script.

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[This message has been edited by JP Stones (edited April 05, 1999).]

John Pollock's picture

He has: 628 posts

Joined: Mar 1999

If you want to keep the fireplace image, you might consider adding alternative text links to the side or below the fireplace. People are able to identify text links quickly, and it would really improve navigation if the alternative text links are supplied.

If you want to try the mouseover, your best bet would be to split the image into several images so that you can make the alternative ("on") image for each active area. I have a more in-depth explanation of the mouseover at:
It is a three part tutorial on the various types of mouseovers you can use.

On another note, the neon welcome image above the peaceful fireplace seems to contradict the mood of the site. You might want a softer welcome image, or possibly leave it out, and give a text welcome message under the site logo.

Just some ideas, just use the tips you agree with.

John Pollock

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