Help ... Explorer drop down menu will not work with CSS and I can't find why

They have: 1 posts

Joined: May 2010

Any help would be very appreciated!!!
I'm on this for about two weeks and I'm about to throw my laptop from the window!

The code work with Safari, Firefox but with Explorer nada, nothing, fuck all !!!
I did the page with Dreamweaver CS3

here's the link:

Could someone tell me what I've wrong and how can I fix it ?

Thanks in advance

He has: 629 posts

Joined: May 2007

Could you be more explicit? There are several possibilities with Internet Explorer - IE 5.5, IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, and IE 8 in compatibility mode. The drop-downs do appear, more-or-less, in all of them this end.

There seem to be issues in all of my browsers, including the latest Safari and Firefox, with the bottom items not showing until hovering over them. Perhaps you did not see this, as you need a pretty big window for the bottom items to have room to show. They are cut off at my normal window size. Sad

Note that there are errors in the JavaScript, this - "var rollover = new Image;" should be this - "var rollover = new Image();" for example. JSLint shows many more...

Cordially, David
delete from internet where user_agent="MSIE" and version < 8;

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