Difference between CSS and HTML?

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Can anyone help me,what is the difference between CSS and HTML?

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HTML is your Content & css is Your Presentation of content

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CSS is known as cascading style sheet which you attach to every page of your website. By using a single css you can control whole website style. It helps in defining your site look and feel. HTML is used to structure the content in the whole page.

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By CSS you can design your website well. Through HTML you can manage your content.

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HTML is responsible for creation and total output of a page. CSS does not creates anything. It decorates, aligns and positions elements in HTML.

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HTML is what you want to make your visitors read.
CSS is what you want your users to see.

In simpler words, CSS is a set of instruction for browser how to show HTML contents

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CSS can help to design your website well. Through HTML you can manage your content.

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HTML is responsible for creation and total output of a page. CSS does not creates anything. It decorates, aligns and positions elements in HTML.

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CSS+Div is helpful for a website.

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Css means cascading style sheet.Html means hyper text markup language.

DavidIpswich's picture

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HTML is the code that individual pages are written in. If you have 2,000 pages with a blue top that you wanted to change to a white top, you'd have to individually change all 2,000 pages.

However, if you've previously linked every page to a CSS style sheet, whatever you change in the style sheet will be changed on every single one of the HTML pages.

So if you change the text style, or size, or heading colors, or anything else on your single CSS file, as soon as you save the file all the HTML pages linked to it (all 2,000) will instantly change.

So to change a 2,000 page site of HTML you have to make 2,000 individual changes.

To change a 2,000 page site made up of 2,000 HTML pages and one CSS style sheet, you only have to make one change.

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HTML creates your page while CSS design your page.

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thanks all of you for explaining about CSS and HTML in detail.

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Html is stand for Hyper text manpulation languge and CSS stand for cascading style sheet. HTML is your content and CSS is the presentation of your content

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So many responses and yet I still don't have a clear idea of what CSS is. I'd have to see an example.

gracie's picture

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HTML is for almost everything especially for the web content. On the other hand, CSS is use for the design and structure of a website. It defines font size, colors and other display tags.

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HTML is web design language and CSS is cascading style sheet.

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HTML is the language used to design elements,whereas css is the Stylesheet used for to decorate HTML elements.

Megan's picture

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