Unix Question

teammatt3's picture

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Joined: Sep 2003

On my assignment today, I have the question:

Quote: List below the representations for all "unprintable" characters found in "odfile".

Since we talked about octal dump today I am assuming I would use od, but I don't know what else to do.

This is what I see when I od the file with -c option

0000000 T h e r e w a s a s t u d
0000020 e n t f r o m C l a r k \a \n
0000040 W h o \t t h o u g h t \t s c h o
0000060 o l a g r e a t l a r k \a
0000100 \a \n H e s a i d w i t h a
0000120 g r i n \a a s h e f a i
0000140 l e d a g a i n . . . \a \n

Are unprintable characters the ones with backslashes?

Abhishek Reddy's picture

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ASCII chars 0-31 (or 0o37) are usually called unprintable characters. There's no graphical representation for them, so generally escape sequences are used to display their occurrence.


teammatt3's picture

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Quote: ASCII chars 0-31 (or 0o37) are usually called unprintable characters. There's no graphical representation for them, so generally escape sequences are used to display their occurrence.

Ah, ok. Thanks for the help.

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