Cool Computer-On-a-Stick

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Aug 2005

Hey, I just found this device on-line called a computer-on-a-stick, which is almost what it sounds like, a computer on a stick. I'd like to try it. Does anyone else have any thoughts on how it would work or does anyone own one? I saw it at (It works in the USB drive and stores info.)

He has: 270 posts

Joined: Jan 2005

i want it

He has: 183 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

If your OS has crashed then how would this device work if it need USB? Does the Bios pick this device up as a boot disk?

I think the best way would be using Linux on a CD as a bootdisk.

But i guess it will work on cross platform or anything with USB.

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