Any one can help?

ester's picture

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Feb 2009

Recently we bought a new web hosting from Webhost to set up smtp sever and ftp to start a new CRM. However, the new domain was tagged as SPAM by hotmail and ymail. Now the problem has not been solved yet.
Any one can help?

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

He has: 1,502 posts

Joined: Sep 2006

It's not the domain name - it is likely the IP address of your server. Try checking your IP address here & here and see what you find.

decibel.places's picture

He has: 1,494 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

I had a client with the domain ""

We sanitized the from email address, but the underlying domain name was still in the mail header - probably not related to your problem, but an observation...

She has: 20 posts

Joined: May 2008

It is problem with IP address where your website is host.
May be Yahoo and Hotmal ban this IP address so your email goes spam folder.

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