.com DNS Problems

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I'm having a problem with registering my .com domains to my name servers.

When I setup my nameservers for these domains, I get this error:

"NS1.MYDOMAIN.ORG is a foreign unknown record for .COM registry."

Could this be caused by my name servers being a .org domain, or do I have other steps I need to take to 'register' my DNS server?

I have all of my other .org domains working fine, so this error has me very confused.


Brad Arnold

mairving's picture

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Which registar are you using? It really shouldn't matter whether your ns are .com or .net.

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I have checked the three registrars I have .com domains registered at, and they all give the same error.


druagord's picture

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What is your nameserver. how did you configure it. where do you get this error. make sure you don't have any typo in your config.

mairving's picture

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Have you tried GoDaddy?

Have you tried contacting support at those registars?

Have you registered your nameservers with these registars?

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Quote: What is your nameserver. how did you configure it. where do you get this error. make sure you don't have any typo in your config.

I have the following nameservers configured in my DNS:

NS1 & 3 would be the primary server, with NS2 & 4 being the secondary server.

I get the error when I change the NameServer information for my .com domains at any of the registrars I listed previously. My .org domains work flawlessly.

Quote: Have you tried GoDaddy?

I prefer not to use GoDaddy, since I have had techinical issues with them in the past. I use 000domains for anything new I register nowdays.

Quote: Have you tried contacting support at those registars?

I have a support ticket open with 000Domains, but register.com and tucows simply suggested I use their nameservers and would not offer any support. I posted the question here since I figured this would probably end up being a very simple fix.

Quote: Have you registered your nameservers with these registars?

This might indeed be my intire problem, since I'm not sure what your asking. I have the NSx.BGANET.ORG information setup on that domain, and they are setup on my DNS servers to swap if I loose the primary DNS server. I have not taken any special steps with my registrars, such as letting them know I will be using my own nameservers, but I was not awar that this was needed.

Brad Arnold

mairving's picture

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I found this [url="http://www.register.com/faq/technical-faq-q4.cgi?1|3788658499|CO1"]this info[/url] on Register.com's site for registering your own DNS servers.

Curious what problems you have had with GoDaddy. I have about 50 domains with them with no problems at all.

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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Thanks for the link!

GoDaddy constantly double and sometime tripple billed me for my domains, which took over 6 months to get corrected. The other issue was the fact that about every 2 weeks I would get an email statement stating one or more of my domains were about to expire. That was very strange, since I would get those emails on domains that had 9 months left!

So I swapped over to 000Domains, and other than this DNS issue, I haven't had a single problem.

Brad Arnold

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I have hosting clients and this tends to be a common mistake. Not sure if it was yours or not.

Folks log in and what they need to do is change name servers but instead they log in and attempt to edit the name servers. Editing the name servers tends to be for chaning the IP if you own that name servers. So if you use this tool by mistake, you often get errors like :these are not your name servers".

Not sure if that was your issue, but I hope it helps Smiling

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Sorry I forgot to update this post, but here's the solution:

Being new to manageing a DNS server, I was unaware that my DNS server needed to be added to a DNS Register by a Certified Registrar. I requested my name servers be added to the registry, and the problem is solved.


Brad Arnold

mairving's picture

They have: 2,256 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

Glad that you got it fixed.

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